Kostume Kult Love Burn 2024 Container Service




How it works

1 – Purchasing Space

Space is sold at a cost of $9.50 per cubic foot or $45.00 / Yellowtop Container. Container space is LIMITED and is being sold on a first come, first served basis. All sales are final but you may transfer your space to another person by filling out this form

Due to space limitations, a maximum of two bins may be purchased per camper during the initial sale. Additional space may be opened up in the near future (within a week) if available.

Use this calculator for help determining space. Space is sold in whole numbers/units so please round up. 
When purchasing you must input the legal name of the person whose items will be on the container under “Legal Name of Purchaser”. This person is REQUIRED to be on site at the container load-in or this form needs to be filled if that person is sending their belongings with another person.

Additionally, all participants must fill out a container liability waive form which you can complete online now using the below link.

2 – Packing Your Belongings

27 gallon Yellow Top Bins

Also known as Burner Bins, this is the most common packing option, and for good reason: they’re cheap, stackable, heavy duty, and typically carry just the right amount of stuff that you can lift them. 

We highly recommend the Lowe’s version so that it’s easier to tetris and stack with everyone else’s bins. Home Depot has similar-but-not-quite-the-same 27 gallon bins, but they do not stack the same as the Lowes bins.


Please add your tent into your yellow top bin if possible. If it does not fit, tents may be transported in a strong bag that is labeled properly.


Please label every individual article with the information below. We recommend labeling on multiple slides with large text.

  • Name
  • Phone number
  • Email
  • Camp
  • Playa Address  

Seymour Butts aka Sparkledragon
Kostume Kult

Pro tips

#1: Make your bins look unique. Spray paint it. Put cool tape on it. Everyone on the container has yellow top bins. It will be hard to find yours in a sea of yellowtops unless it has distinguishing marks.

#2: Make sure your bins are fully packed. Many hundreds of pounds will be stacked atop your containers. Packing them full will protect your items.

Other packaging types

PVC, conduit, wood, etc. MUST be taped or ratchet strapped together, securely so they will not fall out of the bundle, roll away, etc.

Please ensure that you do not make your bins overly heavy. A single person should be able to lift each of your bins.

Any item not boxed/packed properly will not be allowed on the container and no refund will be provided. If you have questions, please email us at lb24leads@kostumekult.com

3 – Load-in pre-burn

The loading of the containers will take place:




Bring your belongings to our loading site, Our storage unit is located outside which means there is plenty of room to organize.

Please help each other out. Bring gloves, water or gatorade for yourself and your crew. If you’re able to, bring some drinks or snacks to share.

All participants are expected to carry and pack your belongings into the container. We have limited volunteers and literally tons of stuff to load. We appreciate your help being radically self reliant.

Load-in time slots

Around a week before Load-In, we will contact you with your time slot

4 – Pickup at Love Burn

Love Burn Arrival Date

Our container is scheduled to arrive on Monday, February 11th. Love Burn gates open at noon on Thursday February 15th, with early arrival passes being required for anyone showing up before that time (Mon – Weds).

Love Burn Loading (for the trip back to NY)

All participants using our service are expected to carry your things back into our containers. We have limited volunteers and literally tons of belongings to pack. We appreciate your help being radically self reliant. If you are not able to carry your bins, please consider packing less in each bin or getting someone to help you both load and unload. All items reloaded on the container must be packed in boxes, just as it went on. This includes bikes. Items can still be damaged on the return trip.

5 – Load-out post-burn



Beginning at 5PM all items will be removed from the container and placed in the area the load-out location. EVERYONE is expected to help unload the containers. Please don’t just look for your own bins. Please dress warmly.

Since there are only a handful of humans organizing this, we’re not able to make special arrangements for individuals. We appreciate your practice of self-reliance and making your own arrangements if you’re not able to pick up your personal items. We reserve the right to dispose of or donate any items not picked up by 10 PM (seriously).


Kostume Kult will be offering container service only for Kostume Kult campers or by special arrangement. This service is not available to the general public.

Kostume Kult is not responsible for loss or damage to your property. Packing your items as instructed and arriving at the specified times is the best way to protect your property.

We reserve the right to open any and all items loaded on the containers.

We reserve the right to refuse loading any materials that do not comply with our instructions or may pose another risk to the safe use of our service for everyone. If you’re not sure about something, please just ask. 

You are responsible for unloading and reloading your things onto the containers at load-in, on the Playa, and at load-out. Make sure that you can lift your stuff on and off the container.

We reserve the right to dispose of or donate any items not picked up by 10 PM on load-out day.  

All purchasers and participants are required to sign a waiver of liability and provide legal identification upon checking in and loading belongings onto the container.

Prohibited Items

Do not pack any of the following:

  • Any illegal substances of any kind – anything that could get you arrested anywhere in the US is not allowed on the container. You are endangering *everyone else* on the container and the containers could get delayed (or impounded) due to *your* illegal stuff…
  • All items flammable at high heat
  • Generators
  • Explosives
  • Firearms
  • Gas
  • Fuel
  • Compressed gas
  • Anything damaged by extreme heat (i.e. batteries, un-canned or dry food, etc.)


We, unfortunately, do not offer refunds. This includes if you can no longer attend Love Burn or if you buy too much space. While we don’t offer refunds, you should typically be able to sell excess space that you aren’t using to a fellow camper or via a post on our Facebook event page.
Yes, absolutely. You must personally fill out this form and advise the person dropping off your belongings that they are expected to help load and unload as if you were there. We expect each person to help at a level consistent with their volume of belongings. If they are dropping off for 3 people, we will ask them to put in 3 persons worth of work. If you are pooling transport of your goods in a truck or van with other people, we suggest bringing as many people as you can to help, not just the driver. We will refuse service if appropriate loading help is not provided.
We recommend that you buy space sooner rather than later because our number of containers is capped and when we sell out, we can’t get more space to meet the higher demand. The most common pattern we see is that burners buy what they think and adjust later. Most individuals buy 2-4 yellow top bins or less if they pack a tent separately. While we don’t offer refunds, you’re typically able to sell excess space that you aren’t using to a fellow camper or via a post on our Facebook event page. Transfers are very common each year.

Got questions?

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact: